Wholesale at Apex Orchards
To setup a wholesale account please contact our wholesale manager at wholesale@apexorchards.com
We offer apples for wholesale and additionally we may sell other types of fruit depending on availability and quantity. We also sell wholesale honey, apple cider vinegar and BBQ Sauce. We sell our products to a wide range of customers throughout the Pioneer Valley and in the Boston Metro Area. You can find our products in many local grocery stores, co-ops, and at farm stands. Local restaurants and schools also often use our products. Our fruit wholesale season begins in August and lasts until April, while we have honey, BBQ sauce and vinegar available year-round. The wholesale warehouse is open Monday through Friday and is closed on weekends.
Apex Orchards sells wholesale to the following customers in the Pioneer Valley and Boston Metro Area:
- Sunderland Farm Collaborative: Sunderland
- River Valley Co-op: Northampton
- Wild Oats Co-op: Williamstown
- Mt. Holyoke College: South Hadley
- Atlas Farm Store: Deerfield
- Green Fields Market: Greenfield
- Whole Foods Market: Hadley
- Millstone Market: Sunderland
- Riverland Farm: Sunderland
- Golonka Farm: Whately
- Quonquont Farm: Whately
- Williamsburg Market: Williamsburg
- Natural Roots Farm: Conway
- Old Friends Farm: Amherst
- UMASS: Amherst
- Neighborhood Produce: Somerville
- McCuskers Market: Shelburne Falls
- Village Co-op: Leverett
- Country Corner: Bernardston
- Hartsbrook School: Hadley
- Simple Gifts Farm: Amherst
- Graves Glen Farm: Shelburne
- Esselon Café: Hadley
- Metro Pedal Power: Somerville
- Formaggio Kitchen: Cambridge
- Lookout Farm: Natick
- Carlson’s Orchard: Harvard
- City Feed: Jamaica Plain
- Codman Community Farms: Lincoln
- Brookford Farms: Canterbury, NH
- Crooked Stick Pops: Easthampton