Brussel sprouts used to get quite the bad rap. We’ve all moved beyond boiling and into grilling, pan frying and roasting territory, which makes for excellent brussel sprouts. Try our delicious recipe that calls for bacon and apples. The salty crunch bacon combines with the sweetness of apples for one addicting dish! Balsamic vinegar further heightens the flavor of this simple and fast side. We highly recommend this dish at the peak of summer and also as a lovely side to your holiday table. Pancetta is also a nice option to regular bacon. Canadian bacon would be delicious as well.
- 4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 1/2 lbs brussel sprouts, sliced thinly
- 4 oz cooked bacon, chopped
- 1 apple, slivered or diced
- pepper to taste
- 1 Tbsp good quality balsamic vinegar
Saute brussel sprouts in a frying pan in olive oil on medium heat until tender, for about 12 minutes or so. Add the cooked bacon, mix into brussel sprouts and cook for another 2 minutes. Remove from pan onto a small platter. Top with apple and pepper then splash on balsamic vinegar. Mix a bit to incorporate the flavors. Serve
Serves 4 as a side dish.